Friday, August 13, 2010

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility...

BBC News ran an article about superheroes and philosophy.  The intersection of pop culture and ethical progress is an interesting one, but it really shouldn't be any surprise that comic books, in particular, are closely tied (I also recommend the book Superheroes and Philosophy to anyone who may be further interested in the subject).  Comic books:
These days, even the president of the United States is a comic book nerd.

I know this is a slight digression from the topic at hand, but I wanted to give everyone fair warning if I start to use comic books, Coen Brothers movies, or other pop culture elements in some of my posts.

"With great power comes great responsibility
Is the catch phrase of old Uncle Ben.
And in case you missed it, they'll say the line
Again and again and again."

--"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Ode to a Superhero"


  1. I thought Madame Web first said that famous line?

  2. Nope, it comes from Amazing Fantasy #15, at the very end.

  3. Superman is the great moral exemplar, because he has the Ring of Gyges & still doesn't Cheat.
